Selasa, 30 November 2010

Sympathy Expression

Ini nihh materi yg paling aku suka..! Knpa?? Yaa karena menurutku materi ini dpt mengajarkan kita semua untuk memberikan perasaan iba dan turut prihatin pada hal2 yg buruk yg menimpa seseorang..

O.. iya,, Sympathy expression ini merupakan salah satu materi yg mempresentasikannya di kelas X-6 (kelasku sendiri) adalah aku dan temanku yg brnama Fitrotin Istiqomah. Kami brdua tlah dipilih sbg kelompok yg brtugas mempresentasikan materi tentang sympathy expression..

Ok! Klo gtu langsung aja qta masuk ke materi Sympathy expression!!!

Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition.
By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.

ll>Pay attention on the following forms :
a) That’s - awful
- a shame
- a pity
- a terrible
- too bad
- dreadful
b) What a - shame
- pity
c) How - terrible
- awful
- dreadful
d) I’m (so) sorry - to hear that
- to know that
e) I express my deep - condelence
- sympathy
ll>How can we give sympathy expression to someone?
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (SMS), e-mail, television, radio, and newspaper if he/she who got the trouble is far
from us.

ll>Several expressions of Sympathy :
o I’d like to express my deepest condolence
o I’m sorry to hear that
o I’m awfully sorry about…
o Oh, how awful!
o Oh, dear!
o You must be very upset
o Oh, what a shame
o How pity you are!
o How terrible awful for you

ll>Example of dialogue that expresses sympathy in a certain situation :
Paula : Good afternoon, Mrs. Indian.
Mrs. Indian : Paula! I’m so glad you could come.
Paula : I’m sorry to hear about Tommy’s death. It must be pretty hart on you.
Mrs. Indian : It is. He was so young. Why did he have to die?
Paula : I know how you must feel. I feel like Tommy was my best friend too.
Mrs. Indian : Well, God gives and God takes away…

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