Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Procedure Text

hmm.. klo hrinya lg panas enaknya minum minuman yg dingin2 yaa..! ahh, aku pengen nyoba bwt juice nihh teman! Tapi aku gk tw apa2 aja bahan yg diperlukan dan gmn cara membuatnya. Kita coba tanya sm chef 'P' yuukk! siapa tau dia bsa bantu kita..

Purpose: To help us do task or make something. They can be a set of
instructions or directions.

Text Organization: ~ Goal
(the fanal purpose of doing the instruction)
~ Materials
(ingredients, utensil, equipment to do the instructions)
~ Steps
(a set of instructions to achieve the final purpose)

Language Features: ~ Use of imperatives
e.g.: (cut, don’t mix)
~ Use of action verbs
e.g.: (turn, put, mix)
~ Use of connectives
e.g.: (first, then, finally)
~ Use of adverbial phrases
e.g.: (for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)
Example :
How To Make “Milkavo” Juice
 Materials :
1 sachet of chocolate milk
2 glass of water
3 teblespoons of sugar
 Tools :
Drinking straw
 Steps :
First, cut the avocado into half, take out the seed. Second, pick the avocado flesh
with spoon. Put it into the blende, when pour the suger and the water, too. Thirdm blend it well for two minutes. Fourth, pour the juice into the glass and give some chocolate milk on it. Now the Milkavo is ready for you.

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